The Golden Age of English Polyphony – The Sixteen
Robert Fayrfax ( 1464 – 1521 )
- Missa Albanus
- Aeternae laudis lilium
John Taverner ( 1490 – 1545 )
- Missa Corona spinea
- Missa O Michael
- Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas
- The Western Wynde Mass
- Missa Mater Christi sanctissima
- Missa Sancti Wilhelmi devotio
- Gaude plurimun
John Sheppard ( 1515 – 1558 )
- Missa Cantate
- The Western Wynde Mass
- Libera nos salva nos
- Gaude gaude gaude Maria
William Mundy ( 1529 – 1591 )
- Videte miraculum
- Vox Patris caelestis
- Adolescentulus sum ego
The Sixteen
Harry Christophers, leader
10 cd’s 11H25mins